Canyoning, Kayaking and Sports Holidays in Corsica

For over 30 years Cors’Aventure has organised adventure stays all around Corsica while making up its own mind regarding outdoor tourism : discovering the island of beauty off the beaten track thanks to outdoor sports activities diverse and varied with the lowest possible environmental impact.

Our philosophy is above all to make the exceptional nature of Corsica the springboard for your sports activities!

Our activities


Specialists of Canyoning in Corsica, our state-certified instructors take you to the most beautiful canyons in the region. Guaranteed thrills!

Adventure holidays

Cors’Aventure also organizes weekly adventure stays, including sea kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, canyoning, and more.


Whether you’re looking to rent a kayak or take part in a guided tour, Cors’Aventure is your ideal partner for sea or river kayaking trips.

Groups in a workshop during a seminar

Seminars, groups and MICE events

Outdoor sports are clearly the best way to build strong bonds within your company!

These activities provide the ideal environment to strengthen your team spirit, to encourage self-fulfilment and team effort.

The Cors’Aventure team for your sports holidays in Corsica!

The main team of Cors’Aventure consists of 6 local experts. Each season approximately 20 state-certified instructors specialising in very specific activities such as canyoning, kayaking or hiking give this main core a hand. We all work hand in hand to organize your adventure holidays in Corsica ! We all work together to organize your sports and adventure holidays in Corsica!

Hiking and GR20, sports holidays in Corsica

When talking about hiking, Corsica has made up its renown over the years. This mountainous island offers an outstanding playground for both beginners and experienced hikers. Hike safely with our state-certified mountain guides during half-day hikes to two weeks hiking trips !


Current regulations and sea kayaking in Corsica

Corsica is now a true playground for the kayak enthousiats. The variety of landscapes that is offered by the corsican...
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Go hiking in the Calanques de Piana : the 3 best hikes to do

You must certainly have heard of the Calanques de Piana, a well know area that is listed as a UNESCO...
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Sea kayaking in Corsica : Circumnavigation of Corsica

Sea kayaking around Corsica : the projet Put theory … I visited Corsica many years ago on a climbing holiday...
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Sport activities in Ajaccio : the 5 best outdoor activities in Ajaccio

Let's find out the sport activities you can do here in Ajaccio and in the surrounding area ! Some decide...
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